Real-time automata (RTAs) are a subclass of timed automata with only one clock which resets at each transition.In this p......
Many university classes nowadays have adopted the active learning(AL)style.AL is conducted through various techniques.In......
Interactive Stratified Attribute Tracking(iSAT)diagram is a visual analytics tool for cohort analysis.Instructors can us......
Aiming at recognizing ship target efficiently and accurately,a novel method based on active learning and the Composite K......
As the number of sequenced genomes rapidly grows,there are a large number of proteins with unknown function in new genom......
Construction of potential energy surfaces for polyatomic molecules with Gaussian Process Regression:
Gaussian Process(GP)Regression is an efficient non-parametric method for constructing multi-dimensionalpotential energy ......
Mind Mapping and Active Learning -An Experimental Application of Mind Maps in Undergraduate Course T
Mind maps represent information processed from various sources with graphics, colors and key words, thereby simplifying ......
In this work, a systematic approach to enhance the develop studentspractical abilities and engagement in undergraduate e......
The active learning is specially promoted in Japanese universities to sift traditional teacher oriented to student orien......
Improving Professional Competenceof Non.Formal Earlv Childhood Teacher ThroughActive Learning.BasedE
The Indonesian government’S strategies to expand the reach of earlv childhood education have an impact on flexibilities......
In most classification applications,classifiers are trained with labeled data.Modern computing and communication technol......
Accelerating materials discovery crucially relies on strategies that efficiently sample the search space to label a pool......